Original Work - (trunk exercise)

"Create Something From What You Are Given"

Students sit around the items, looking at them... until they start to see a story unfold.  

Purpose: We are here to develop a technique to find truth on stage and to discover our technique as an actor/writer/director for the stage.


Expectation  focus on the skills you have come into class with and try to get to a story with a character.

Objective: The students will create and memorized an original solo piece using items provided in the circle by a deadline. It must be written (scripted), it must be staged (blocked), it must be memorized (performed entirely by memory), and it must be rehearsed and polish for an audience (respectfully prepared).

Activity: Items (props and costume pieces) are layed out on the floor / circle of chairs are around them
1     1.) Students (with pencil and paper or notepad on phone) look at the items
2     2.) Pick three items that bring to mind a character and story 
3     3.) Write a little bit for each item (5 minutes to write on the first item, then 3 minutes for the second,    then 2 minutes for the third)
4     4.) Pick three that work best together and write for 5 minutes    
      Each student is to build a 1 minute piece using your favorite write-up
QUESTIONS YOU ASK an then ANSWER while developing
Write the answers into your script for the piece.
1.) Who is the character? 
2.) Where is this taking place? 
3.) Why is the character doing this or why is he scene taking place? 
4.) What is happening?  
5.) What is the want (objective?) 
6.) What’s in the way (the hurdle/obstacle?) 
7.) How does the character get it (Tactics)



Purpose: To attach the work we are doing to theater professionals, and to begin a round of rehearsal.

Mini- Lecture/discussion: 
"Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind” – the Neo-Futurists/Chicago
Visit website:
show script of plays

CHECK IN: with Mr. Schaefer - make sure the piece is in development / take critiques and go back into rehearsal to polish for class performance tomorrow

Look at the website for “T.M.L.M.T.B.G.B.” in Chicago
talk about their structure of the show (30 plays 60 minutes) - we are using the same structure.
Need to create 30 plays.

Activity: (Rehearsal of the new play scripts with the director they are assigned)
1.) Use the hour to prepare the plays for class tomorrow
2.) collect all necessary props/costumes etc.
3.) Each director should find a place in the room to work on their piece with their actors (block/run)


Activity: PREWRITE: on their work
11.)  “How do you think you did in preparing?
22.) “Is this going to be what you expect it to be?”
33.) “what would have done differently?”
44.) “Is this audience ready?”

               PERFORM: Each student performs their 1 minute piece using the item(s) they chose
THESE ARE FILMED and will be viewed for critique and additional writing

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